Downloads and views - Time Series

Number of downloads and views in the period.

Total Year Month Day

Item Handle
(eg. 1822/417)


Title : Características psicométricas do inventário de estádios de mudança de desempenho académico
Entry Date : 01-04-2016
Downloads and viewsExport
Year Downloads Views
2016 40,0 138
2017 46,0 220
2018 0,0 69
2019 0,0 50
2020 0,0 43
2021 0,0 6
86,0 526
Downloads and views per year
Downloads by country (top 10)
Views by country (top 10)
Downloads by countryExport
Origin Downloads Perc.(%)
United States United States 117,0 89,31
Belgium Belgium 3,0 2,29
Portugal Portugal 3,0 2,29
France France 2,0 1,53
Brazil Brazil 2,0 1,53
Germany Germany 2,0 1,53
China China 1,0 0,76
Switzerland Switzerland 1,0 0,76
131,0 100,00
Views by countryExport
Origin Views Perc.(%)
United States United States 665 68,14
Germany Germany 66 6,76
Latvia Latvia 63 6,45
Portugal Portugal 43 4,41
Canada Canada 36 3,69
China China 25 2,56
United Kingdom United Kingdom 18 1,84
N/A N/A 17 1,74
Brazil Brazil 7 0,72
Italy Italy 6 0,61
Ukraine Ukraine 5 0,51
Australia Australia 5 0,51
Russian Federation Russian Federation 3 0,31
Lusíada - Repositório das Universidades Lusíada Lusíada - Repositório das Universidades Lusíada 3 0,31
France France 2 0,20
Angola Angola 2 0,20
Malaysia Malaysia 1 0,10
Argentina Argentina 1 0,10
Mozambique Mozambique 1 0,10
Netherlands Netherlands 1 0,10
Switzerland Switzerland 1 0,10
Ireland Ireland 1 0,10
Vietnam Vietnam 1 0,10
Ecuador Ecuador 1 0,10
Sweden Sweden 1 0,10
Singapore Singapore 1 0,10
976 100,00