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Title: Virtual and hybird immersive events from the knowledge management perspective : Brazilian Oil & Gas Company cases
Author: Azevedo Jr., D. P.
Muniz, Jorge Jr.
Campo, Renato
Issue Date: 2023
Publisher: Universidade Lusíada Editora
Citation: Azevedo Jr., D. P., Muniz, Jr., Jorge, Campos, Renato (2023) - Virtual and hybird immersive events from the knowledge management perspective : Brazilian Oil & Gas Company cases. In Ferreira, Ana Cristina, e outros, coord. - International conference on technology management and operations. Lisboa : Universidade Lusíada Editora. - ISBN 978-898-640-***-*. - P. **-**
Description: Ferreira, Ana Cristina, e outros (2023) - International conference on technology management and operations. - Lisboa : Universidade Lusíada Editora. - ISBN 978-898-640-***-*.
ISBN: 978-898-640-***-*
Document Type: Book Chapter
Appears in Collections:[ILID-COMEGI] Contribuições em livros

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