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Title: The establishment of a humanitarian assistance force in the CPLP : challenges and opportunities to the defense cooperation
Author: Bernardino, Luís Manuel Brás
Rizzi, Kamilla Raquel
Issue Date: 2022
Citation: Bernardino, Luís Manuel Brás (2022) - The establishment of a humanitarian assistance force in the CPLP : challenges and opportunities to the defense cooperation. Lusíada. Política Internacional e Segurança. - ISSN 1647-1342. - S. 1, n. 23-24 (2022). - p. ....-....
Description: Lusíada. Política Internacional e Segurança. - ISSN 1647-1342. - S. 1, n. 23-24 (2022). - p. ....-....
Document Type: Article
Appears in Collections:[ULL-FCHS] LPIS, n. 23-24 (2022)

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