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dc.contributor.authorWilson, Barbara A.-
dc.identifier.citationWilson, Barbara A. (2014) - Neuropsychological rehabilitation for younger people : small group and single case studies exemplifying the assessment and treatment of cognitive, emotional and behavioural problems. Revista de Psicologia da Criança e do Adolescente. ISSN 1647-4120. 5:1 (Janeiro-Junho 2014) 137-146.-
dc.descriptionRevista de Psicologia da Criança e do Adolescente - ISSN 1647-4120. - V. 5, n. 1 (Janeiro-Junho 2014). - p. 137-146.por
dc.description.abstractThis paper focuses on children, adolescents and young adults who sustained brain damage due to a traumatic brain injury (TBI), encephalitis, stroke or anoxia leaving them with cognitive, emotional or behavioural problems. After presenting the results of a small group study of children recruited to a paging service, recent research to improve working memory in children is described. This is followed by accounts of four young people with: 1) visual object agnosia, 2) Balint’s Sydrome, 3) emotional difficulties and 4) behaviour problems. Assessment and rehabilitation procedures for these individuals are described.por
dc.titleNeuropsychological rehabilitation for younger people : small group and single case studies exemplifying the assessment and treatment of cognitive, emotional and behavioural problemseng
dc.title.alternativeReabilitação neuropsicológica para jovens : exemplos de avaliação e tratamento de problemas cognitivos, emocionais e comportamentais em pequenos grupos ou estudos de casopor
dc.identifier.citationtitleNeuropsychological rehabilitation for younger people : small group and single case studies exemplifying the assessment and treatment of cognitive, emotional and behavioural problems-
dc.identifier.citationauthorWilson, Barbara A.-
Appears in Collections:[ULL-IPCE] RPCA, v. 05, n. 1 (Janeiro-Junho 2014)

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